Let's Meet...

Here’s how it works…

First, please familiarize yourself with the Frequently Asked Questions.

Next, please fill out the confidential form below. The form is sent to me through the extremely secure and private Proton Mail service. 

Please write in as much detail as you feel comfortable in your answer to the last entry, “What inspired you to reach out to me? What do you hope to get out of our time together?”—I read it all.

I’ll get back to you within a day. If it seems like we’re a good match for connecting (based on your answer to that question) I’ll suggest some times we can meet on a free, confidential thirty-minute Zoom call so we can get to know each other a bit before we decide to meet and explore more. (There is zero pressure, expectation, or obligation during or after this call.)

After our Zoom call, if you’d like to proceed, we make a date. Simple!